Need ToDo Viewer. Release Notes |
v. 1.16
- Added support for Sugar 13 & php 8.2
v. 1.15
- Added support for Sugar 13
v. 1.14
- Added support for Sugar 11.1
- Fixed conflict with LB Templates when NTDV was not installed if LB Templates was already installed. Conversely, LB Templates was not installed if NTDV was installed.
v. 1.13
- Added support for Sugar 11
v. 1.12
- Added support for Sugar 10.1
v. 1.11
- Added support for Sugar 10
v. 1.10
- Added support for Sugar 9.2
v. 1.7
- Fixed: NTDV dashlet data is not displayed when using predefined filters
v. 1.6
- Fixed: Query failed when reindexing events if the target date was not filled
v. 1.5
- Quick filtering of events by type is available directly from the NTDV dashlet display form
- Fixed: Messages are not marked as read when viewed in the “My Need To Do” dashlet
v. 1.4
- The functionality of the targets set when determining the type of events has been expanded. Now, as a target, you can specify the module associated with the main event module through a chain of intermediate modules
v. 1.3
- Added Sugar 9 Support
- Fixed: Hooks do not delete when upgrading a new version of Sugar
- Fixed: NeedToDoEvents records do not delete after data is modified
v. 1.2
- Fixed: Quick filter Current doesn’t work properly
v. 1.1
- Fixed: Events configuration is not saved after their editing
- Fixed: Irrelevant events are not deleted
- Fixed: Several MyNeedToDo dashlets of different height are not possible to put on the dashbord
- Fixed: Error in events update after editing data
v. 1.0
- Added a mechanism of license verification
- Added BeforeToday and AfterToday filters
- Left-clicking on the popup notification leads to opening an event record
v. 0.7
- Added the possibility to set height of NeedToDo dashlet
- Changed the order of event details view: details on Source object is displayed directly below the event text
- Details on the event now display the name of the relevant entity instead of Object
- Event are displayed not only in the feed of the target object, but also in the feeds of the objects related to the event
- Fixed an error of calculation the number of events over the date
- Fixed an error of importing/exporting types of events
- Fixed an error when copying types of events
v. 0.4
- Extended the height of NeedToDo dashlet
- Added the possibility to apply “is empty” and “is not empty” filers for field of data type when creating types of events in NeedToDoEventTypes module
- Added “Index” button to the form of details on the event type. With this button, reindexing of NeedToDo events can be initiated
- Fixed an error in displaying icons on Collaboration dashlet
- Fixed an error when the system kept storing old events generated on irrelevant data on the type of the event after changing the critical information about the event type (ObjectModule, ObjectAttributeName, ObjectRecordFilter). Now after changing critical information on the event type all existing event instances related to this type will be deleted.
v. 0.3
- Added an attribute for activating/deactivating control dates
- Added filters by targets (context)
- Added the possibility to view events as preview of NeedToDoEvents module
- Added filters of Quick Access: “Current”, “Overdue”, “Future” on NeedToDo dashlet
v. 0.2
- Added user notification of upcoming control date
- View of control date details includes the context consisting of multiple objects related to the control date