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What is CRM? Features, Trends, Challenges

What is CRM? Features, Trends, ChallengesYou have probably heard the word “CRM”. And you probably know that CRM covers these three business aspects: sales, marketing and support.

You will be surprised knowing that CRM goes far beyond these categories. A CRM system can serve as a vital nerve center to manage the many connections that happen in a growing business.

Find out more about customer relationship management software and trends in the CRM industry. Read more »

CRM System Support: Outsourcing or In-house Resource. Which Way to Go?

CRM System Support: Outsourcing or In-house Resource. Which Way to Go?Author: Nikolay Bulava, CEO

A CRM system is a tool with a lifecycle of 3 years or more and the main purpose of which is to ensure efficient business support. Since the modern business is regularly and constantly changing, consequently, a CRM system has to be modified regularly and instantly, at the same time providing its uninterrupted and sustained functioning. These truisms force the management to find an answer to the question: what is the optimal way to ensure a CRM system support and enhancement: either by applying in-house resource or by outsourcing? Read more »