All posts by admin

How CRM Contributes to a Company’s Success? CEOs’ Perspectives [Infographic]

In Gartner’s 2015 CEO survey, 25% of CEOs told that technology is among their top three business priorities. The new year has started – will it bring the change to the last year’s trend? Not a bit of it! According to forecasts, technology will play a big role in 2016, helping innovative CEO’s achieve their business goals. Here is an infographic that will shed light on primary business issues and strategies of companies’ leaders for the nearest future and tell how digital capabilities help to implement those strategies. Read more »

SugarCRM Performance Tuning While Working with Large Amounts of Data

SugarCRM Performance Tuning While Working with Large Amounts of DataAuthor: Katerina Burlaka, CRM Consultant

SugarCRM has proved the efficiency of solving the customers’ actual issues. SugarCRM is a system, used by tens of thousands of companies of different size across a broad range of industries all over the world.

How good and precise could be CRM system in meeting customers’ business requirements? How fast does SugarCRM system operate? How quick and prompt could be the work of the users inside the system? Read more »

The 4 Cornerstones of Successful CRM System Implementation

The 4 Cornerstones of Successful CRM System ImplementationWhen we make a really significant purchase, such as a CRM system, we try to consider all the “ins and outs” of our buying: to read reviews, to check out surveys and to get a trial version. Thus, we can understand whether the product is worth its money or not, whether it will help achieve our goals or not, whether it is convenient enough or not, etc. To facilitate your choice and to dispel all doubts, we published the results of a survey conducted by Forrester in collaboration with CustomerThink among 414 business and technology decision makers who have recently implemented the CRM system. Read more »